A Hypnobirth program designed to support and empower you no matter where, or how you choose to give birth!

“We must understand that childbirth is fundamentally a spiritual, as well as a physical, achievement.”
– Grantly Dick-Read

This is the wisdom that echoes through this comprehensive, 5-week program that provides you with the knowledge and tools to physically and emotionally prepare for a calm and positive birth experience.

At the end of this journey, you’ll walk away with self-hypnosis and other mind-body practices to support and nurture your pregnancy, birth and postpartum period, as well as a wealth of resources to ensure that you are well prepared to make your birth experience your very own.

In-person group classes

Where ?

In person group classes are held at the
Cabinet Holistique
530, rue Beaubien Est, Montréal, QC H2S 1S5 (à proximité du métro Beaubien)

When ?

Saturdays from 10am to 12pm
(Private classes are also available. See below for details)

Pillars of the program

A calm and positive birth experience using the mind-body connection 

An empowered birth experience with knowledge and resources to make informed choices

A nurtured fourth trimester for a gentle transition into parenthood

Why use Hypnobirth to prepare for your birth experience ?

According to a 2022 study in the Journal of Clinical Nursing Research (Buran et Aksu),  93.5% of participants who used hypnobirth during their labour and birth reported a high level of birth satisfaction (versus just 13% in the control group that didn’t use hypnobirth).

Other important findings of the study were: an increased vaginal delivery rate, fewer medical interventions during labour and birth, shorter labour times, and earlier initiation of skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding.

Many studies have also shown increased birth satisfaction to be a factor of protection when it comes to postpartum depression.

These are all compelling reasons to consider a Hypnobirth program.

Outline of the Program

Week 1:
Hypnosis and the mind-body connection for a calm and positive birth experience

This week is an introduction to hypnosis, self-hypnosis, and the mind-body connection for pregnancy and birth. We’ll be exploring the model of the mind, the importance of the autonomic nervous system in birth, and how to step out of the fear-pain-tension cycle with mind-body practices. You’ll also experience your first live group hypnosis practice.

Week 2:
Prenatal bonding and mind-body preparation for your baby’s arrival

Week two starts off with the concept of secure attachment and ways to begin bonding with your baby in-utero. We’ll then explore some mind-body practices to support a calm and positive birth experience (affirmations, visualisations, breathwork, self-hypnosis…), as well as self-care during pregnancy and optimal foetal positioning. The class will end with a live group hypnosis practice.

Weeks 3 & 4:
All about labour and birth and making your birth experience your own

Over the course of these two weeks:

You’ll learn about the physiology of birth and what to expect during labour, as well as some common myths and misconceptions of childbirth.
We’ll discuss building your care and support teams, defining your birth preferences, and the importance of informed decision-making for an empowered birth experience.
Other topics include self-care during labour and birth, practical aspects to consider leading up to your birth, followed by some in-person practice of coping tools and comfort measures.
We’ll also take a look through the support person’s handbook (a summary of the tools and techniques you can refer to quickly and easily during labour).

Each of the classes will end with your live group hypnosis practice.

Week 5:
Nurturing the fourth trimester (postpartum)

This week is focused on creating the foundations for a positive postpartum experience. Learn how you can start preparing for your postpartum recovery before your baby arrives, as well as ways to care for yourself and bond with your baby during those first precious, yet sometimes challenging weeks after giving birth. We’ll also cover some of the basics of newborn care and breastfeeding/chestfeeding. You’ll then have some time to review your birth preferences and address any questions you might still have before closing with a final group hypnosis practice.    

Cost of the program

$CA 355 (payable at the time of registration)
  • 5 weekly group classes with live group hypnosis practices (2 hours each class)
  • Audio recordings of the 5 core hypnosis sessions for home practice
  • A bank of additional audios
  • Class content documentation
  • The support person’s handbook
  • Additional pregnancy, birth and postpartum resources
  • Email support for the duration of the program and until 6 weeks postpartum

Your registration is valid for yourself and one support person of your choosing. Registrations are limited for each session.

Private classes also available on request.

For more information, or to enquire about scheduling private classes, you can email me at

About your instructor

I’m a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist, former Birth Doula with experience supporting over a hundred families, and mother of three. When I’m not holding space for others, you can find me studying for a Bachelor’s degree in sexology, enjoying a hot yoga session, or knitting a colourful pair of socks.. I look forward to supporting you on your birth journey!

The program is an inclusive and 2SLGBTQINBA+ affirmative space.


Absolutely! The program is designed to support all birth settings ; home birth and hospital birth, medicated and unmedicated births, c-section. Learning tools aimed at coping with pain and discomfort during birth are still important even if you're planning to get an epidural (you may have to wait for your epidural, there may be contraindications for an epidural, your epidural may not be 100% effective, for example). The tools you’ll take away from this program are also helpful for reducing fear and stress, making informed decisions from a space of empowerment, bonding with your baby before and after birth, and so much more.

A number of studies have demonstrated the efficacy of hypnobirth programs. A 2022 study in the Journal of Clinical Nursing Research (Buran et Aksu) showed that 93.5% of participants who used hypnobirth during their labour and birth reported a high level of birth satisfaction (versus just 13% in the control group that didn’t use hypnobirth). Other findings were: an increased vaginal delivery rate, fewer medical interventions during labour and birth, shorter labour times, and earlier initiation of skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding.

Between 25 and 32 weeks is generally ideal to allow time to complete the 5 weeks and then integrate and practice the different techniques before you give birth. I also offer private classes if the dates offered for my group classes don’t align with your due date.

Your registration includes the participation of one support person (partner, friend, family member, or other support person).

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness in which an individual experiences increased focus and suggestibility. When positive suggestions are received in this altered state, habits, behaviours and beliefs can be changed at a subconscious level to align with a desired outcome. The state of hypnosis is created by slowing down the brain wave levels from a beta state, which is your alert, waking state, to an alpha or theta brain wave level (these are the levels at which hypnosis occurs). Delta is the brain wave level experienced when sleeping. In the alpha and theta states, the critical faculty, which acts like a filter between the conscious and subconscious mind can easily be bypassed so that positive suggestions are easily received.

I'm a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist with CACHE (The Canadian Association of Counselling Hypnotherapists and Educators) which requires a minimum of 150 classroom hours and 50 practicum hours with annual supervision and continued education requirements to maintain certification, in addition to adherence to the association’s Code of ethics. I also have specialty training including HypnoFertility, HypnoBirth and Sexual Freedom Hypnosis, alongside my academic education in sexology (certificate in sexuality intervention from Université de Montréal and currently completing a Bachelor’s in sexology at UQAM).

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