Navigating the holidays when you’re struggling to conceive

The holiday season is fast approaching again and although this time is traditionally filled with joy and celebration when you’re struggling to conceive, it’s often a particularly challenging time. The holiday season tends to revolve around family, children, and joyous celebrations, and for many, this is a poignant reminder of unfulfilled hopes and dreams. Not to mention the fact that the pressure to be festive and happy can intensify the feelings of sadness, isolation, and frustration that often go hand in hand with infertility. It’s so important to acknowledge and validate these less-than-festive emotions, and to understand that it’s normal, and okay, to feel a mix of joy and sorrow during this time.

So how can you navigate this overwhelming period a little more serenely?

By creating strong emotional boundaries for yourself! Establishing boundaries gives you the space to prioritise yourself and YOUR emotional wellbeing.

Here are some simple yet effective ways to create healthy boundaries:

Communicate openly: Don’t be afraid to share your feelings with your loved ones. Let them know that this season might be emotionally challenging for you and that you appreciate their support and understanding.

Selective participation: Choose events that align with your emotional state. It’s okay, and emotionally healthy, to decline invitations to gatherings you might find too overwhelming this holiday season.

Self-care first: Prioritise self-care by scheduling time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whatever this looks like for you…a quiet evening at home, a spa day, a nature walk, journaling or meditation.

Set realistic expectations: Manage your expectations for the holiday season. Understand that it’s okay if everything doesn’t go as planned. Give yourself the flexibility to adapt and enjoy the present moment.

Let go of the things you can’t control: And focus on what you can control in your environment.

To support you during this holiday season, I want to introduce you to a guided visualisation audio that uses a simple technique called the circle of influence  that calls on the power of your subconscious mind to help you create good, strong boundaries for yourself. You can click on the link below to download the audio now!

As always, I’d love to hear from you. Hit reply and let me know your tips for navigating the holiday season on your fertility journey.

Remember, you are never alone on your journey and your feelings are valid!

Lewina K. Aldred, RCH (she/her/elle)
Fertility │Pregnancy & Birth │ Health & Wellness
Fertilité │Périnatalité │ Bien-être
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